Aimed at addressing specific issues and challenges with the use of creative solutions and clear and implementable action plans
iTicker’s comprehensive technical assistance approach is devised to complement client’s current capacity for change. Our approach blends a range of activities tailored to address fundamental-needs and the specific-context of the system. With the continuous assessments, we determine the strengths, challenges, opportunities, and capacity the organization possess, and, based on these factors, identify the intended intervention.
iTicker encourages and supports clients to stay the course as they adapt or start implementing the recommended action plan(s) to operate more effectively or strengthen sustainability. We assist them to develop products and processes that will: maximize value, make the organization more effective and efficient, and achieve the best outcomes at the lowest cost and with minimum resources.
We are not here just to deliver the technical assistance. We are here to establish smart milestones and help make change happen.
We work with our clients to ensure results are achieved and delivered of the highest-quality possible.
We assist clients to build their teams’ capabilities and to continue to transform and sustain impact.
iTicker is committed to offering top-quality products and services that stand out from other competitors. We identify needs, provide efficiency to sustain impact - while simultaneously maximizing the effectiveness of the change effort- and guide and support all aspects of the intervention for a better outcome.