Powered with innovative tools to identify, locate and engage the "unthinkables"
Accurate and reliable statistics are essential for informed discussions.
A useful tool to investigate trends and concerns in specific areas.
Provide real-life data for a situation that is difficult to obtain otherwise.
Personalized, customizable, engaging, cost-efficient, real-time.
Help understand complicated and critical design problems.
In-depth, increased response rate, relevant & reliable.
Descriptive, factual, complete and comparable feedback.
Automated, error-free, cost-efficient, & real-time.
iTicker's survey design and implementation specialists work closely with industry experts to assist our clients achieve long-term improvement, measurable results and move beyond recommendations and pilots. Our specialists bring deep pattern-recognition and a track-record for delivering tangible survey results from complex situations.
Our experience in survey design, administration and management, availability and use of the cutting-edge implementation tools and technology - to accommodate the unique needs of each phase of a survey, ability to customize our on-the-ground teams according to size, intensity, priority and duration of survey - allow us to achieve the desired results in-time and with high-quality.
We are not here just to design and administer the survey. We are here to achieve goals and help make change happen.
We work with our clients to ensure results are achieved and delivered of the highest-quality possible.
We assist clients to build their teams’ capabilities and to continue the transformation and sustain impact.
iTicker is committed to offering top-quality services and products that stand out from other competitors. We provide efficiency to improve data quality, guide and support all aspects of survey, and ensure data accuracy.